On Sour Grapes and Worship

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Sour Grapes

I do quite a bit of research and study in preparing for writing the weekly sermon. Last Sunday we found Jesus calling Herod a fox. This is, of course, a derogatory term. What I find fascinating is that in Song of Solomon 2:15 it says, “Catch us the little foxes that destroy the vines: for our vineyard has flourished.” Foxes were known to eat ripe grapes and their burrows destroyed the roots of the grapevines.

The “Fox and the Grapes” is one of Aesop's fables. The story concerns a fox that tries to eat grapes from a vine but cannot reach them. Rather than admit defeat, he states they are undesirable. The expression "sour grapes" originated from this fable.

Contrary to popular belief, foxes are not carnivores, but actually omnivores. In the wild, foxes will eat a wide variety of foods, although their diet is primarily meat-based. Generally, they will hunt animals when available but will settle for plants when they can’t catch meat. In particular, they enjoy high protein, fatty foods like fish, eggs, and birds. That said, they also enjoy sweet and savory foods, like fruit, dairy, and nuts.

Lent - Worship

We're called to love God and love others. It is important to "get something" out of worship, but that feeds into our consumer mentality: that worship is about us and our preferences. If your faith in Jesus consistently leads you to ask, "What's in it for me?" I'm afraid that you might be a bit confused. Following Jesus leads us to ask, "What's in it for others?"

When we remove ourselves from church to worship God on our own (like a walk in the woods), we eliminate the beauty of community. We were created for relationships. We were not meant to go through life alone. While community is messy, it's also beautiful: it's a beautiful mess being part of a church. And more importantly, it's a physical reminder that we are not alone.

I hope and pray that you come to worship in Lent and beyond. To be a part of the community physically together or through Zoom, connected virtually. We are now able to hear from people by Zoom and even tried out a Zoom liturgist last Sunday.

Blessings on keeping a holy Lent, 

Rev. Curtis Ehrgott